Right to Information Laws
The right to information is contained in the Right to Information Act, 2005. This law is applicable to Government at all levels- Union, State and Local as well as to the recipients of substantial government funds and aims at promoting transparency and accountability in the working of the Government by curbing corruption and enhancing people’s participation in democratic process. The right to information law authorizes People to seek information which is available and existing and is held by a public authority or is held under the control of a public authority.
LEALTE RTI team assists the information seeker clients in obtaining information from a Public Authority by drafting their information requests. LEALTE Professional helps in drafting the requests so as to minimize the possibility of requests being declined on legal grounds. Our team can also prefer a representative request on behalf of a client.
LEALTE RTI Team also advises clients and handles the appellate procedure in cases where information sought is not supplied or is not satisfactory. Our team represents clients before the first appellate authority and before the Information Commission in Second Appeal.