Agreements & Documents
We provide legal services touching various aspects of drafting, reviewing and vetting of various Agreements and legal Documents, some of which are detailed as under:-
- Joint Venture Agreements
- Share Holder Agreements
- Share Subscription Agreement
- Joint Development Agreements
- Collaboration Agreements
- Technology Collaboration Agreements
- Share Purchase Agreements
- Schemes of Mergers/amalgamation/restructuring/demerger
- Petition for reduction of capital
- Memorandum of Association & Articles of Associations of Companies
- Board Resolutions
- Outsourcing agreements
- Request for Proposal & Request for Qualification documents/ bidding documents
- Works Contracts
- Builder/Developer Agreements and allied agreements viz. works contract
- Title Search Report
- Service Agreements
- Employment Agreements
- Agreements for Directors
- Offshore Sale Agreements
- Lease Agreements
- Lease for malls cum multiplexes and other extensive lease agreements
- Maintenance Agreements for immovable properties /malls/multiplexes
- Leave & License Agreements
- Agreement to sell & sale deed
- Assignment/License of Copyrights/Patents /Trade Mark/ Know- How & other intellectual property rights
- Movie and negative License Agreements
- Contract Agreements
- Advertisement Agreements
- Consultancy Agreements
- Escrow Agreements
- Agreements for organizing events
- Marketing Agreements
- Wills
- Gift Deeds
- Trust Deeds
- By-laws of societies
- Relinquish Deeds
- Settlement Deeds
- Adoption Deed
- Bank Guarantees
- Indemnity Bonds
- Affidavits
- Legal Notices
- Power of Attorneys
- Termination of Agreements